Qigong in January - Sat 8-15-22-29 (430pm to 515 pm)
to Jan 29

Qigong in January - Sat 8-15-22-29 (430pm to 515 pm)

Qigong for everyone: a 4-week online introduction in January 2022

If you are looking to build strength, resilience, grace and well-feeling, the ancient movement and meditative practice of Qigong will support you and bring you much joy.

We will be learning qigong fundamentals and some of the winter practices that support the immune system. I will also be teaching a couple of 5-element flows.

Join me January 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th from 430-515 pm. No mat needed nor fancy clothes. Just bring your whole self and an open mind and heart.

£30 for the course

Recordings available.

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12:15 PM12:15

Qigong one-hour taster session on Monday October 2, 2017

Qigong at Fitnessinessex

Qigong, like yoga, is one of the most popular healing exercises in the world today. Qigong practice is about movements that are graceful, flowing, slow, circular and repetitive - so the practice becomes a calming and effective method of meditation. The practice has been treasured for centuries by the Chinese for its mind-body healing properties as it promotes the free-flow of life force, or Qi, and encourages us to live in harmony with nature. 
In this taster session run by fitnessinessex, Julia M. Thompson, who studied qigong under Sifu Matthew Cohen, will share some of the basic benefits and practices of this body, mind and spirit discipline. 
Date:  Monday October 2nd, Time 12:15 midday to 1:15 pm at fitnessinessex

Unit 5B, Oakleigh Farm, Rayley Road, Hutton, Essex CM13 1SE

Please reserve your spot by contacting julesmto@gmail.com

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Gentle Years' Yoga Workshop
9:00 AM09:00

Gentle Years' Yoga Workshop

In this workshop we will tap into the rejuvenating effects of yoga asana (postures) on the body and mind by exploring our connection to the spine and its function through various postures that will nourish it and bring it back to life.

"The function of the spine is to elongate, and in this elongation its elasticity and youth are regained...It is not a battle against old age, but rather a bringing back to life of those parts of the body which have lost their suppleness," Vanda Scaravelli.

1. We will learn warm-ups to elongate and strengthen the spine, thus creating renewed suppleness through gentle back and forward bends as well as twists.

2. We will explore elongation and back bending on standing, kneeling and sitting asanas such as Vira I, Anjaneyasana, Mariachi III and Setu Bandhasana

3. We will look at how simple twists such as revolved side-angle pose, Mariachi III, reclining twists such as Jathara Parivatanasana can bring renewed energy and suppleness to the spine.

4. And finally how through the practice of forward folds, elongating and folding, you can bring suppleness to the body and calm of mind

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